

Monday, December 17, 2007


I just wrote this for about 30 minutes or so. I haven't been on a writing mood for months now. [I can't update my fanfics as well.] I read read read read. And then inspiration hit me. And I started writing- while I listened to some tunes that matched the atmosphere. Actually, this idea has been bothering me for a while... not this plot but this... story in my head. It's a Fantasy / Romance thingy. I still don't know the characters so it's just a 'He' and 'She'. This is a scene where 'He' left 'her' bleeding...
Enjoy, I guess. =)

It seemed as if the sky was suffering with her.

It was raining hard that day- pretty unusual since it was the middle of summer. But she didn’t care if she was drenched from head to toe. She loved the rain. But today… it wasn’t enough to comfort her.

The wind blew and the wispy branches of the willow swayed in its direction, gently brushing her shoulders. Seated under the shelter of the tree, she hugged her legs closer to her body, her head resting on her knees.

Tears streamed down her face and mixed with the rain. Anguished emotions occupied her heart, and images of his face filled her thoughts. She let out a muffled sob.

“Congratulations. Your wish came true- I’m leaving.” He said sarcastically as he looked at her with those arrogant eyes.

And you think I’m happy, don’t you? She retorted back at him in her mind. Well I am. I am.

But it seemed as if she was convincing herself more rather than him.

“You idiot. You big stupid idiot.” She managed to choke out in between sobs. Who was she referring to anyway?

She was cold. Her head ached and her bottom was sore from sitting down on a rock for hours. Yet something else hurt more. It hurt so much that it made her feel a bit numb from all the physical pain.

I should’ve never met you in the first place. But I did. And I regret… She paused for a moment and contemplated on her thoughts. Did she really regret meeting him? A part of her did. He caused her this much pain after all. But somewhere inside her refused to hate him…

He stole her heart and left it broken.

Shattered it may be, it keeps on beating.

And that’s why it hurts so much.

Since time still passes for those who are wounded.

But it may be a good thing though. Time can heal.

And I’ll forget about you… I’ll forget and pray not to remember… but I still dread to lose you in my memories completely…

She looked at her arm where an X-shaped cut can be found.

This will heal… And so will I…

Yes. It will. All wounds heal, but not all scars fade.

Her tears stopped falling but her breathing was still inconstant. Still, the heavens continued to pour down rain.